Agreed that applying Bayesian probabilities, the chance of luck is highly improbable.

But from here in Japan, my more critical thinking and socially savvy Japanese friends agree with me. This whole thing was staged. Security agents allowing Trump to stand up and pump his fist for a photo-op before knowing if it was safe? Especially with Trump's intimate familiarity with Wrestlemania, that alone should have been enough to raise some eyebrows.

Just a Bayesian guess, but it was probably a co-ordinated effort by both "sides" of the corporate nation-state herding the naively patriotic with a Hollywood / kabuki-show slight of hand. That being said, my same Japanese friends feel the same about their own corporate nation-state. With the ruling LDP's nearly complete control of the mainstream media here (ranked 70th in the world for freedom of press by Reporters Without Borders), Koike's win in the mayoral race for Tokyo was a foregone conclusion. Important, because her tenure and influence over domestic policies will most likely eclipse that of Prime Minister Kishida.

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A centimeter to one side, and it would be a miss, a centimeter to the other, and it would have been fatal. And he was turning his head at the time, so that a fraction of a second either way would have been a fatal wound. 2 cm at 140 meters is really accurate shooting, using a heavy barrel, bedded and accurized, and National Match ammo - and there's still the matter of Trump turning his head so at the time he was hit, his head was exactly parallel to the flight path of the bullet - and there is a .223 bullet hole in his ear. So this could not have been staged. A non-fatal flesh wound to an arm or a leg, maybe, but not these particular circumstances.

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Hi sfs.

I understand the reasoning linking such 'data'. A YouTuber that I had admired for his dissection of the plandemic, Chris Martenson, also follows along this line of reasoning.

But as if enough physicians have not lied during the plandemic, I am to take Trump's personal physician's word at face value regarding a bullet hole in Trump's ear that it was not a food dye capsule or nick in his ear provided by one of his protection agents? Mind you, I am no fan of the current ruling puppet, or whoever they place on the stage. Biden should have been 'retired' ages ago.

But enough anomolies regarding the event have accumulated for me to be unable to shake the suspicion that there is a bit more of David Copperfield and Wrestlemania in this than the hand of god.

Remembering my high-school and college days as a wrestler (too small to have been an athlete in the major sports), I took 4th in state, and once pushed a 3 time state champion into overtime before he beat me and took the award for outstanding wrestler of the tournament. Captain of the 3rd ranked team in.the state, I was still so young and naive, I could not for the life of me understand the fanatic draw of professional "wrestling". It was obviously staged, but a great money-spinner. Now I understand.


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I've seen a close-up pic of Trump's ear - I rely on no one's word... It's a bit late tonight, but I'l find it and post it.

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Cheers. sfs.

Even with photographic proof, we might have to agree to disagree on this one (A.I. and deep fakes have drastically improved). But as this is your post and labor of love, I will not challenge any further.

Again, cheers from Japan.

Get some good sleep.


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