Just a heads up regarding another possibility. The following video included in Kyle's most recent post of "The Secular Heretic" (https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/is-ripple-technology-the-real-reason) sounded both plausible and dangerous enough for me to download to hard disk immediately after listening. The dialog is slow, so listening at 2x speed is no problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2946lpLuBM

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This particular rabbit hole, involving UFOs, "zero point energy", and other such items, might be fun to look at, if I had the time and patience. Unfortunately the field is chock-full of disappearing evidence, poorly based or baseless conjecture, and outright bullshit - it's a real quagmire. John Trump was a pioneer in high energy beam technology - that's true. I doubt that such a beam would be capable in 1948 of bringing down any sort of aircraft - lasers were really only developed ten years after that, and we're talking about tabletop devices, useful for proof of concept. DE beam research has progressed since then - note the high energy consumption of these devices: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46925

As for taking down craft which successfully traverse long reaches of interstellar space without using huge amounts of energy, with DE weapons available *now*, I'm doubtful. Such craft would have to be shielded against beams of high energy particles from, say, black holes and other radiation sources in space to even make the journey - or the civilization which made them knows about some aspect of the structure of the universe - perhaps cosmic wormholes - which would make the traverse of huge apparent distances possible using some feature of universal topology of which we are unaware. Such physical knowledge would make a high energy beam weapon a trivial threat, I'd think. At this point it's pure conjecture, though. Dr Jack Sarfatti has had some interesting ideas on this over the years - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Sarfatti, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.09599, and https://www.arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/0602022. It's quite a bit of work to look into, but it can be an interesting diversion from workaday life...

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by streamfortyseven

Much thanks for another perspective. I've gone down this far, so with nothing else beating a path to my doorstep, I'll take a look at those links.

Hmm ... after glancing at the pdf file, I can't help but to wonder how much of the black budget congressional members are privy to? Just now starting on the latest book regarding Lahaina, and I've seen some pretty compelling evidence that at the very least, DEWs have been deployed for several fires ... though that is small potatoes compared to the ripple technology, if it exists.

Ouch. Just glancing at the links after the wiki read, the math and jargon are above my capacity to shift b.s. from the realm of possibility. Will look a bit more into it later, but I think I've run into a brick wall of distinguishing science from s.fiction.

Thanks again for a well reasoned reply.

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