I dropped facebook long ago. So many people posting fictitious facts that were obvious fakes supporting the left wing. When I called them out they would not remove the fake facts. Many friends that became teachers that I had grown up with were so far to the left and not logical it was sickening. they implicitly trusted what ever the government said, thinking that the government would never harm a soul. I tried to point out the syphilis experiments they did on citizens, and many other nefarious things that the gov had done. Could not shake their misguided trust. So now we have facebook eliminating the truth, and upholding lies, it is an upside down world.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by streamfortyseven

Hello, Dmitryi here. How about you get on Telegram at long last? You could start a channel or group there too, it's a lot more relaxed and useful than Mugbook.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by streamfortyseven

Mugbook's a DARPA project though, wasn't it?

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https://phys.org/news/2022-01-rationality-declined-decades.html — there is this too, and Mugbook is the chief culprit here with its "likes" and such non-rational features. Twatter also has something to do with its short silly text limitation. Phones with their GUIs and in general cutesy appealing interfaces have a lot to do with general irrationality, as is the 'Net's divisive "filter out the unliked" effect.

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I'm not interested in talking with people who meet standards for face or twit. Mindless addicts or rabid disciples of government control. Those who rely on them for income should find better jobs.

Conversations are nice, even with people who disagree, even disagreeable. It's like going to the gym for martial arts workouts -- it's good exercise. Not personal. It becomes personal when they make it personal by attacking principles.

Face is losing users, enough to affect earnings and causing their stock to crash. That's likely to make them reconsider their principles. But even when they clean up their act, we need to watch out for the addicts, especially our own addictions. Their plans to insert virtual realities is like increasing the strength of fentanyl to increase the addictions. Teaching people the benefits of natural reality takes sterner measures than withdrawal. I practice aggressive ridicule and insults on those who admit to using propaganda media. The depraved don't recognize their depravity until someone cares enough to tell them. Mass formation psychosis requires mass intervention. Some can be saved. The rest are acceptable losses.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by streamfortyseven

Just had my Instragram account nuked under the same auspices. It was my own personal account of mostly benign content so I'm assuming it's what I commented that did me in as I'd received a few warnings. I will not be pursuing it or creating a new one.

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