The poor deluded sap writes:
“You’re really dumber with each reply. You should be embarrassed and in time will be so. You’re the jingoistic follower of a foreign government and destructive foreign policy narrative. Some of us aren’t expats married to Ukrainian women nor emotionally invested in Ukrainian nationalism and how it is manipulated by forces who don’t care about Slavs or Europe in general ( American ruling elites, EU bureaucrats, Neocons, Soros leftists, etc).”
My reply -
I've been commenting - and writing on my Substack - about the Russian invasion since 2022 - and in 2014, on Facebook, when a relative of mine was running one of the hotels on Maidan Square. You seem to have uncritically accepted the Russian/Putinist/Duginist line on this conflict - and you're parroting it just like our domestic version of Lord Haw Haw, Tucker Carlson. And no, Maidan was not a "Nazi" uprising - there were significant numbers of people trying to get out from under Soviet holdovers and Putinist stooges like Yanukovich - many of them anarchists - see On the current situation, they write
"The Kremlin covers its aggression by claiming to fight Ukrainian Nazism, but this is only an ideological smokescreen. The dominance of the ultra-right in Ukraine is greatly exaggerated. They had influence in the streets and were represented in some state bodies, but the overwhelming influence in all state institutions, in the media and in public opinion belonged and still belongs to the liberal-democratic forces.
One of the main reasons for the war is the greater number of political freedoms in Ukraine compared to Russia. Ukraine is a regional example of alternative statehood and experience of successful government overthrow. In addition, the ruling elite in Russia understands that when a revolution breaks out in their country and they want to suppress it by armed force, culturally close Ukraine could become an important military ally of the Russian rebels. Many of our comrades were forced to flee Russia and Belarus, and found refuge in Ukraine and saw it as a place to continue the fight against authoritarian regimes in their countries.
The second reason for the aggression is imperialist and revanchist logic. The Russian elite considers all territories that have ever been part of Russia or the USSR to be its own fiefdom or zone where satellite countries should be. Russia has conducted military operations before, using the tactic of creating "pustules" that interfere with the development of neighboring countries outside the control of the Kremlin: for example, in Moldova, Georgia, and Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea inUkraine prior to 2022. This tactic was used because of the lack of forces. With the accumulation of economic resources and the development of the military-industrial complex, Russia switched to a new tactic of full-scale invasion and war.
In addition, war, as in all previous human history, remains the usual plunder, and Putin is counting on the capture of resources, agricultural, energy, and industrial complexes in Ukraine. In this sense, the Russian elite is the brainchild of the capitalist expansionist logic, equally characteristic of Western political elites."
Back thirty years ago, one of my friends' mother was a survivor of the Soviet Holodomor and the Nazi invasion. In the Holodomor, the Russian Soviets killed 6 million Ukrainians by shooting them or starving them to death. When the Nazis invaded six or seven years later, they were seen as liberators by the Ukrainian people, who joined with them - as might reasonably be expected. But the enemy of one's enemy is not necessarily a friend, and the Nazis viewed Ukrainians much as the Bolshevik Soviets did - as subhumans, as Untermenschen. And the Ukrainians continued to fight against Soviet oppression for 8 more years after 1945, until the year of Stalin's death and the accession of Nikita Khrushchev, who tried to undo much of the damage Stalin had done. Still, the memories were retained, and in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine declared independence from the Russian state - as it had in 1919 under Nestor Makhno. The trouble with Ukraine - as in Russia - was that there was no real internal revolution, as in East Germany and Romania, and the nomenklaturas - the old Soviet apparatchiks - in both countries were allowed to remain in place - being rebranded as "oligarchs" and retaining their illegitimate power and wealth - and this is the root of the corruption in Ukraine to the present time - and in Russia as well. The revanchist dream of re-establishing the Soviet Union lives on, especially with those born before 1975.
I've been reading the works - and propaganda sites - put out by the Duginist Strategic Culture Foundation since before 2014. They all have the same line, they say the same thing, and American "conservatives" have been suckered and fooled by Dugin's Fourth Political Theory:
"Foundations of Geopolitics is by far Dugin’s most important work. Dugin himself describes it as an “indispensable guide for all those who make decisions in the most important spheres of Russian political life – for politicians, entrepreneurs, economists, bankers, diplomats, analysts, political scientists, and so on.” In FoG, Dugin outlines his ‘Neo-Eurasianist’ geopolitical strategy, which includes a multitude of instructions on how to subvert, manipulate, and conquer various countries in order to create a Eurasianist empire.
As Dugin said, the book is highly influential among Russian elites, including the military, who used it as a textbook in their Academy of the General Staff. It was co-drafted by Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, head of the International Department of the Russian Ministry of Defence. After writing FoG, Dugin was hired as a guest lecturer by the military, to explain his geopolitical Neo-Eurasianist theory to Russian officers and the likes. Seleznyov, a former Russian State Duma speaker and a buddy of Dugin, urged that FoG should be incorporated into the Russian school curriculum.
The most important thing about FoG is that it is, essentially, straight-to-the-point and completely “mask-off,” which you’ll see when we get into the contents of the book in the following sections. Fourth Political Theory, on the other hand, couldn’t be more different. You may have seen 4PT being praised by various nationalists in the West, as it has been heavily marketed to Westerners by Arktos Media (which publishes and translates Dugin’s work for Western consumption) and other “New Right” or “Alt-Right” influencers. 4PT is not designed for Russian consumption, but to be read by hapless Western nationalists. Dugin’s aim with 4PT is to ideologically subvert nationalists in the West, making them more malleable and likely to assist (passively or actively) him in achieving the political goals he laid out in Foundations of Geopolitics. 4PT is overflowing with psychobabble, verbose gobbledygook, and complete bastardizations of various historic right-wing thinkers — particularly notable is the manner in which Dugin mutated and completely inverted the Traditionalist School of thought. 4PT will be quoted throughout this piece, but for an idea of the sort of nonsense included in the book, chapter 13, “Gender in the Fourth Political Theory,” is devoted to arguing in favor of a-sexual transgenderism. Behind the shoddy and transparent mask of phony “Traditionalism,” nothing separates Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory from the extant ideology of the New World Order* that he claims to oppose.
* Often labeled as “Neo-Liberalism,” though I personally believe that this label is inaccurate and insufficient.
In summary:
FoG is Dugin’s political strategy document, in which he outlines highly detailed plans on how to create a Eurasian empire by subverting foreign nations, it was written for Eurasianists, to benefit Eurasianists. 4PT is an implementation of FoG’s political strategy, in that 4PT is a subversive book written for Westerners and disseminated in the West, to channel Western nationalism towards Eurasianist ends.
In brief:
FoG = Mask Off = Duginism-For-Me (For Eurasianists) = Influential among elites of Russia.
4PT = Mask On = Duginism-For-Thee (For the enemies/subjects of Eurasianists) = Promoted in the West by the Alt-Right, New Right, and Identitarians (specifically European Identitarians).
4. Eurasianism and National Bolshevism
The basic idea of Eurasianism, which is an ideology/movement dating back to the early 1900s, is that Russia belongs to neither Europe nor Asia and, therefore, must expand to conquer both. The basic aim of Eurasianism is the creation of a single Eurasian superstate/empire; an expanded USSR. To use a trite pop-culture reference, yes, just like ‘1984.’ Eurasianism wasn’t necessarily synonymous with Bolshevism but there was a lot of crossover between the two. Not all Eurasianists were Bolsheviks but all Bolsheviks were Eurasianists, this includes Bolsheviks in Europe as well as those in Russia. Eurasianism has been endorsed by a whole range of disreputable characters throughout history, and by that I mean our mortal enemies. Eurasianism has also been endorsed by a handful of characters generally regarded as reputable, such as Francis Parker Yockey. Eurasianism should be recognized as a form of Russian imperialism and malevolent globalism; it’s certainly, nothing that a nationalist should want to be involved in, though you don’t necessarily have to be a “nationalist” to oppose ultra-globalist hegemonies."
To clarify matters, as it will come up with Putin in any “peace” proposal he makes - such proposals being little more than attempts to swindle Western and Ukrainian leaders out of what Putin, in more than two years of armed conflict, trillions of rubles, megatons of military hardware converted into scrap steel, and half a million dead and wounded men, has been able to secure - this is what he means by “denazification”:
“What Russia Should Do With Ukraine, by Тимофей Сергейцев (Timofey Sergeitsev)
RIA Novosti 08:00 03.04.2022 (updated: 19:36 05.04.2022)
Back in April of last year, we wrote about the inevitability of Ukraine's denazification. We do not need a Nazi, Banderite Ukraine, an enemy of Russia and an instrument of the West to destroy Russia. Today the issue of denazification has moved to the practical plane.
Denazification is necessary when a significant part of the people - most likely its majority - is mastered and dragged by the Nazi regime into its politics. That is, when the hypothesis "the people are good - the government is bad" does not work. Recognition of this fact is the basis of the policy of denazification, of all its activities, and the fact itself constitutes its subject matter.
Ukraine is in just such a situation. The fact that Ukrainian voters voted for "Poroshenko's peace" and "Zelensky's peace" should not be misleading - Ukrainians were quite happy with the shortest path to peace through blitzkrieg, which the last two Ukrainian presidents transparently hinted at when they were elected. This very method of "appeasement" of internal anti-fascists - through total terror - was used in Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Mariupol, and other Russian cities. And it suited the Ukrainian average citizen quite well. Denazification is a set of measures in relation to the Nazified mass of the population, which technically cannot be directly punished as war criminals.
Nazis who have taken up arms must be destroyed on the battlefield to the maximum extent possible. No significant distinction should be made between the AFU and the so-called Natsbat, as well as the territorial defense units that joined these two types of military formations. All of them are equally complicit in outrageous cruelty against civilians, equally guilty of genocide of the Russian people, and do not observe the laws and customs of war. War criminals and active Nazis should be approximately and demonstrably punished. A total lustration must be carried out. Any organizations that have associated themselves with the practice of Nazism must be eliminated and banned. However, in addition to the top brass, a significant portion of the mass of the people who are passive Nazis and Nazi collaborators is also guilty. They supported and indulged the Nazi power. Just punishment for this part of the population is only possible as the bearing of the inevitable burdens of a just war against the Nazi system, waged as gently and discreetly as possible against civilians. The further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and severe censorship: not only in the political sphere, but necessarily also in the sphere of culture and education. It was through culture and education that the deep mass Nazification of the population was prepared and carried out, consolidated by the promise of dividends from the Nazi regime's victory over Russia, Nazi propaganda, internal violence and terror, and the eight-year war with the rebellious Ukrainian Nazi people of Donbass.
Denazification can only be carried out by the victor, which presupposes (1) his unconditional control of the denazification process and (2) the power to ensure such control. In this respect, the denazified country cannot be sovereign. The denazifying state - Russia - cannot proceed from a liberal approach to denazification. The ideology of the denazifier cannot be challenged by the guilty party undergoing denazification. Russia's recognition of the need for denazification of Ukraine means the recognition of the impossibility of the Crimean scenario for Ukraine as a whole. However, this scenario was also impossible in 2014 in the rebellious Donbass. Only eight years of resistance to Nazi violence and terror led to internal cohesion and a conscious, unequivocal mass refusal to maintain any kind of unity and connection with Ukraine, which defined itself as a Nazi society.
The timeframe of denazification can in no way be less than one generation, which must be born, grow and mature under the conditions of denazification. The Nazification of Ukraine has been going on for more than 30 years - starting at least in 1989, when Ukrainian nationalism received legal and legitimate forms of political expression and led the movement for "independence" towards Nazism.
The peculiarity of modern Nazified Ukraine is its amorphousness and ambivalence, which allow it to disguise Nazism as a desire for "independence" and a "European" (Western, pro-American) path of "development. (in reality - to degradation), to claim that "there is no Nazism in Ukraine, only private sporadic excesses. There is no main Nazi party, no Führer, and no full-fledged racial laws (only a stripped-down version in the form of repression of the Russian language). As a consequence, there is no opposition and no resistance to the regime.
However, all of the above does not make Ukrainian Nazism a "light version" of the German Nazism of the first half of the twentieth century. On the contrary - since Ukrainian Nazism is free of such "genre" (political-technological in essence) frames and restrictions, it unfolds freely as the fundamental basis of all Nazism - as European and, in the most developed form, American racism. Therefore, denazification cannot be carried out in a compromise, based on a formula such as "NATO - no, EU - yes". The collective West itself is the designer, source and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism, while the Western Bandera cadres and their "historical memory" are only one of the instruments of Nazification of Ukraine. Ukronazism is no less of a threat to peace and Russia than Hitler's version of German Nazism.
The name "Ukraine" apparently cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state formation on territory freed from the Nazi regime. The People's Republics newly established in Nazi-liberated territory must and will grow out of the practice of economic self-government and social welfare, the restoration and modernization of the population's life-support systems.
Their political aspirations in fact cannot be neutral - redemption of guilt towards Russia for treating it as an enemy can only be realized in reliance on Russia in the processes of reconstruction, revival and development. No "Marshall Plan" for these territories should be allowed. There can be no "neutrality" in the ideological and practical sense, compatible with denazification. Cadres and organizations that are instruments of denazification in the new denazified republics cannot but rely on the direct power and organizational support of Russia.
Denazification will inevitably be de-Ukrainianization - a rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic component of the self-identification of the population of the territories of historical Little Russia and Novorossia, which was started by the Soviet authorities. As a tool of communist superpower, after the fall of communist power, this artificial ethnocentrism did not remain orphaned. In this service capacity, it was taken over by another superpower (power over states) - the superpower of the West. It must be returned to its natural boundaries and stripped of its political functionality.
Unlike, say, Georgia and the Baltic states, Ukraine, as history has shown, is impossible as a nation-state, and attempts to "build" such a state inevitably lead to Nazism. Ukrainianism is an artificial anti-Russian construction, which has no civilizational content of its own, a subordinate element of a foreign and alien civilization. Debanderization by itself will not be enough for denazification - the Banderite element is only a performer and a screen, a disguise for the European project of Nazi Ukraine, so the denazification of Ukraine is also its inevitable de-Europeanization.
The Banderovian top brass must be liquidated; it is impossible to re-educate them. The social "swamp," which actively and passively supported it through action and inaction, must survive the hardships of the war and assimilate the experience as a historical lesson and atonement for its guilt. Those who did not support the Nazi regime, who suffered from it and the war it unleashed in Donbass, must be consolidated and organized, must become the support of the new power, its vertical and horizontal. Historical experience shows that wartime tragedies and dramas benefit peoples who have been seduced and carried away by the role of Russia's enemy.
Denazification as the goal of the special military operation itself is understood as a military victory over the Kiev regime, liberation of territories from armed supporters of Nazification, elimination of irreconcilable Nazis, capture of war criminals, and creation of systemic conditions for subsequent peacetime denazification.
The latter, in turn, should begin with the organization of local self-government, police and defense, purged of Nazi elements, launching on their basis the founding processes of the new republican statehood, integrating this statehood into close cooperation with the Russian agency for the denazification of Ukraine (newly created or remade, say, from Rossotrudnichestvo** [the Soviet Committee for Cultural Ties with Fellow Countrymen Abroad - see below]), with the adoption under Russian control of a republican regulatory framework (legislation) for denazification, defining its borders and frameworks directly Russia should act as a custodian of the Nuremberg Trials in this regard.
All of the above means that in order to achieve the goals of denazification, the support of the population is necessary, their transition to Russia after liberation from the terror, violence and ideological pressure of the Kiev regime, after being removed from the informational isolation. Of course, it will take some time for people to recover from the shock of military action, to become convinced of Russia's long-term intentions - that "they will not be abandoned. It is impossible to foresee in advance in which territories such a mass of the population will constitute a critically needed majority. "The Catholic province" (Western Ukraine, comprised of five regions) is unlikely to be part of the pro-Russian territories. The line of exclusion, however, will be found experientially. A hostile to Russia, but forcibly neutral and demilitarized Ukraine with formally banned Nazism will remain behind it. Russia-haters will go there. A guarantee that this residual Ukraine will remain neutral should be the threat of an immediate continuation of the military operation if the aforementioned requirements are not met. This would probably require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the alienation line and up to the Russian border would be the territory of potential integration into Russian civilization, anti-fascist in its inner nature.
The operation to denazify Ukraine, which began with the military phase, will follow in peacetime the same logic of stages as the military operation. At each of them it will be necessary to achieve irreversible changes, which will be the results of the corresponding stage. In doing so, the necessary initial steps of denazification can be defined as follows:
-Liquidation of armed Nazi formations (by which we mean any armed formations of Ukraine, including the AFU), as well as the military, informational, and educational infrastructure that ensures their activity;
-formation of people's self-government bodies and militia (defense and law and order) of the liberated territories, protecting the population from the terror of underground Nazi groups;
-installation of the Russian information space;
-seizure of educational materials and prohibition of educational programs of all levels that contain Nazi ideological attitudes;
-mass investigative actions to establish personal responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity, dissemination of Nazi ideology, and support for the Nazi regime;
-The listing and publication of the names of those who collaborated with the Nazi regime, and their compulsory work to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure as punishment for their Nazi activities (among those to whom the death penalty or imprisonment will not be imposed);
-Adoption at the local level, under the curatorship of Russia, of the primary regulatory acts of denazification "from below," banning all types and forms of revival of Nazi ideology;
-Establishing memorials, commemorative signs, monuments to the victims of Ukrainian Nazism, commemorating the heroes of the struggle against it;
-Inclusion of a set of anti-fascist and denazification norms in the constitutions of the new People's Republics;
-Creation of permanent denazification bodies for a period of 25 years.
Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Because this is a purely Russian affair. And also because not only the Bandera version of Nazi Ukraine will be subject to eradication, but also and above all the Western totalitarianism, the imposed programs of civilizational degradation and collapse, the mechanisms of subordination to the superpower of the West and the USA.
In order to implement the plan of denazification of Ukraine, Russia itself will have to finally give up its pro-European and pro-Western illusions, to realize itself as the last instance of protection and preservation of the values of historical Europe (Old World), which deserve it and which the West ultimately abandoned, having lost in the struggle for itself. This struggle continued throughout the twentieth century and was expressed in the World War and the Russian Revolution, inextricably linked to each other.
Russia did all it could to save the West in the twentieth century. It implemented the main Western project, the alternative to capitalism that defeated the nation-states - the socialist, red project. It crushed German Nazism, the monstrous generation of the crisis of Western civilization. The last act of Russian altruism was Russia's outstretched hand of friendship, for which Russia received a monstrous blow in the 1990s.
Everything Russia did for the West, it did at its own expense, by making the greatest sacrifices. The West ultimately rejected all these sacrifices, devalued Russia's contribution to resolving the Western crisis, and decided to take revenge on Russia for the help it unselfishly provided. From here on, Russia will go its own way, without worrying about the fate of the West, relying on another part of its legacy: leadership in the global process of decolonization.
As part of this process, Russia has high potential for partnership and alliance relations with countries that the West has oppressed for centuries and are not about to put on its yoke again. Without Russian sacrifice and struggle, these countries would not be liberated. The denazification of Ukraine is at the same time its decolonization, a fact to be understood by the people of Ukraine as they begin to free themselves from the stupefaction, temptation, and dependency of the so-called European choice.”
also available at:
The deluded Neo-Bolshevik should be embarrassed, but few Bolsheviks have the sort of conscience - or self-consciousness - required for that...
Good grief. So, apparently the EU is a Nazi organisation, conspiring to establish a Nazi Ukraine as part of a deep conspiracy against Russia. Apparently Russia spent the 20th Century trying to 'save' the West and not actually implementing genocidal Stalinism, allying with the actual Nazis and dedicating itself to overturning and undermining every Western value that it now claims to be defending.
I genuinely wonder if these people believe their own hallucinations. Perhaps they do, it's a puzzle.