North Carolina Resources
if anyone has any criticism or suggestions and so forth, please comment below
these folks seem to have been pretty reliable over the past five years or so:
“What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 1)
15 hours ago
Here’s our latest at TSM, a long compilation of ongoing events, and some of the questions that they raise.
Prayers to all those affected by this hurricane and its aftermath, both in North Carolina and the broad region which was also impacted.
Hey everyone.
It is with such a heavy heart that we’re uploading this video. I can’t believe the levels of devastation and heartbreak we’ve witnessed in the last couple of days. What is happening right now on the ground in the path and aftermath of Helene is unreal. Unreality. If there can be a silver lining on such an event, it is this: people are coming together regardless of all the political BS we’ve been dragged through so much lately to just help their fellow Americans who are trapped and suffering on the ground. Deep down, that right there is the real America. When it counts, and despite how hard these recent years have been on us all, that spirit hasn’t been conquered or destroyed.
We love you guys. This is what we know how to do to help. And we plan to do more. The other half of this report is coming asap.
And please, hug your family and tell them you love them too.
Citizens Emergency Resource Map:
Facebook Missing People Group:
Hurricane Helene People Finder Google Doc:
Road Closures:
Ham Radio Operator Channel for welfare check relays:
DONATIONS Samaritan’s Purse:
United Cajun Navy:
Grindstone Ministries:
The Y’all Squad:
The 118th:
Operation Airdrop:
Mountain Mule Packer Ranch:
and now some of my own:
“Oral Rehydration Solution – drinking plain water will deplete your body of electrolytes…
• 4 cups of water • ½ teaspoon table salt • 2 Tablespoons sugar •
• 4 cups water • 1 dry chicken broth cube • 2 tablespoons sugar
• 2 ½ cups plain tomato juice (not V8 or bloody mary mix) • 1 ½ cups water
If you have a water heater, then you have water, just fit a hose on the drainage tap on the bottom, and then open a tap above the heater to get the water to flow out. You might want to run it through a sand filter – get a plastic garbage pail, clean it out and dry it, put it in the sun to dry out. And if you have Clorox, ten drops per quart should sanitize the water.
Expedient water filter – find a plastic garbage container and do the following:
(assuming the container is 3 feet tall)
Cut a hole in the bottom and attach a hose going to a collection container – a plastic bottle if you can get one – you can use a piece of string to guide the water flow, too.
If you can find a piece of 1 inch PVC pipe, get a hammer and nail and punch holes in it, and put this in the bottom of the container, then add six inches of pea gravel [enough to cover your hand placed on edge], then if you can find a bag of charcoal, smash that up until it’s powder, add that in, then add sand up to six inches short of the top of the container, then put screen or flat rocks on top to stop the water from making channels in the sand. If you can filter into clear plastic bottles, you can put them in the sun to kill the bacteria if present:
The SODIS method consists of the following simple steps: 1. Wash a plastic bottle: The bottle must be clean, transparent, colourless, 2 liters in volume or smaller, and have all plastic or paper labels removed. We recommend using PET bottles and to wash them with soap before the first usage. 2. Fill bottle with water: Potentially contaminated water is filled into a PET bottle. The water should not be very turbid. 3. Expose bottle to the sun: The bottle is exposed to direct sunlight for one full day (at least 6 hours including noon hours) on mostly sunny days, or 2 days when the sky is more than 50% clouded. On days of continuous rainfall, SODIS should not be used. 4.Store water: The treated water is stored in the bottles until consumption in order to avoid re-contamination. (
Field sanitation – I wouldn’t be surprised if we got an outbreak of cholera from this, it takes water to flush toilets, and feces going into streams and groundwater is dangerous. My suggestion is to find a plastic five gallon bucket with lid, and make sure you have quicklime, or kitty litter, or dried leaves in a bucket nearby. Not sure if wood fire ashes will do the trick… Urine is sterile and good fertilizer, so pee into a plastic bottle and when half full, find a tree you like – but don’t dump it all in one place. As for feces, they go in the bucket, followed by the quicklime, leaves, kitty litter, or ashes. Long grass folded over makes good toilet paper – check for ticks – and that goes in the bucket, too. When done, put the lid on and weight it down with a rock. If you have a shovel, dig a cathole – but dig it downhill from water sources and downwind if you can – at least 30 paces away if you can do it. Larger amounts of feces will have to be buried as well – think “manure pile” – cover it with leaves and dirt.
Black Mold on wood or drywall:
Cup of Borax- can be found in most grocery stores in the laundry isle.
1 gallon x Hot water
1 x Spray bottle
1 x Scrubber/toothbrush
1 x Wiping cloth
1 x Safety gloves
Mix a cup of borax with a gallon of hot water and stir well
Pour the solution into a spray bottle
Spray generously onto the affected area and allow to settle for a few minutes
Use a scrubber or toothbrush to tackle both lightly and heavily effected areas, and ensure all the mould is physically removed
Wipe away the excess mould
Don’t rinse the borax away, as it will continue disinfecting the area
Allow the area to naturally dry and repeat if necessary.
A couple more videos from these same people as made the video above: